This Privacy Notice describes how Rajeshwari Infotel Pvt. Ltd. (“RIPL”) collects, processes and uses your personal data when you visit or access the website  and Mobile App associated with the website, including how to access and update information. By visiting or accessing this website and mobile app in any manner, you agree to enter into a legally binding contract with us and accept the terms of this Privacy Notice.

Your privacy matters to us so whether you are new to this website or a long-time user, please read this notice carefully – and if you have any questions contact us on the details mentioned below.

Terms used in this Privacy Notice shall have the following meaning:

Terms like “we”, “us”, “our”, etc. in this Privacy Notice refer to the above-mentioned responsible parties (henceforth also referred to as “RIPL”).

Terms like “you”, “your”, “yours”, etc. refer to you as a person.

The term “personal data” or “personal information” as used in this Privacy Notice means any information that relates to a natural person, which, either directly or indirectly, in combination with other information available or likely to be available with us, is capable of identifying such person.



1. Who is responsible for the proper handling of your personal data?

2. When does this Privacy Notice apply?

3. What types of personal data do we collect, process and use?

4. How will we use your personal data?

5. Why and with whom do we share personal data?

6. Why and for how long do we retain personal data?

7. What privacy choices do you have?

8. What else do we do to protect your personal data?

9. Links to other websites

10. How are changes to this Privacy Notice communicated?

11. Contact us


1. Who is responsible for the proper handling of your personal data?

The party responsible for the collection, processing and use of personal data is RIPL as the operator of the website.

2. When does this Privacy Notice apply?

This notice applies to activities taking place on this website.

This Privacy Notice does not apply to services offered by other companies or individuals, including products or sites that may be displayed to you in search results, sites that may include RIPL services or other sites linked from our services.

Our Privacy Notice does not cover the information practices of other companies and/or organizations who advertise their services, and who may use cookies, pixel tags and other technologies to serve and offer relevant ads.

3. What types of personal data do we collect, process and use?

Personal data that we collect, process and use in connection with the website includes information that we collect while you interact with us, including by filling any form, such as your title, name, email address, phone number, address, one-time password, etc.

We collect, process, use, disclose or transfer your personal data only pursuant to your written consent.

Any access to your personal data at RIPL is restricted to those individuals that have a need to know in order to fulfil their job responsibilities. For the purposes mentioned above, only a limited number of individuals within RIPL (e.g., individuals in sales, engineering, legal, finance, marketing and IT departments, as well as certain managers with assigned responsibility) will receive access to your personal data.

When you contact RIPL, we keep a record of your communication to help solve any issues you might be facing. We may use your email address or phone number provided to us to send you communications.

4. How we use your personal data?

Type of information



To display your name in a suitable form


To identify you

Email address

To communicate with you and enable authentication

Phone number

To communicate with you and enable authentication


To understand geographic impact and reach of RIPL

One time password

To provide a secure entry point

We may use your personal data such as your title, name, email address, phone number etc. as mentioned above, for the purpose of:

  1. Informing/ sending alerts by email, phone, text messages or using website pop ups, to inform you about new initiatives under the RIPL.
  2. Enabling further knowledge dissemination/exchange of information with companies, organizations or individuals outside of RIPL, related to the subject matter covered under Rajeshwari Infotel Pvt. Ltd.

From time to time, we may use personal information for new and unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our Privacy Notice. If our information practices change regarding information previously collected, we shall make reasonable efforts to provide notice and obtain consent of any such uses as may be required by law.

5. Why and with whom do we share personal data?

We do not sell, trade or rent out your personal data. For the purposes mentioned in this Privacy Notice we may disclose, transfer or otherwise share your personal data, with other entities of the Rajeshwari Infotel Pvt. Ltd to the extent described in the following or as agreed by you in a specific context (e.g., where you consent to other types of data transfers in connection with enrolling for a specific service). Whenever sharing personal data, we do strictly comply with applicable laws.

We do not share personal information with companies, organizations and individuals outside of RIPL unless one of the following circumstances applies:

Consent: We will share personal information with companies, organizations or individuals outside of RIPL, if we have your consent to do so (as accorded by you at the time of registration), for the purpose of enabling further knowledge dissemination/exchange of information related to the subject matter covered under Rajeshwari Infotel Pvt. Ltd.

External processing: We provide personal information to our third-party service providers (such as our cloud service provider AWS India where the website is hosted, our external service provider Kliento Technologies Private Limited which owns etc.) under appropriate instructions as necessary for the respective processing purposes, to perform specific tasks on our behalf and under our instructions. Any such third-party provider will have access only to such personal data needed to perform its specific tasks, and only to perform these. We will ensure that any such third-party service provider is aware of and abides to these duties. We will also ensure that any such third-party service provider treats your personal data no less protective as required by applicable data protection laws and that they adopt adequate technical and organizational security measures based on our instructions and in compliance with our Privacy Notice and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.

Legal reasons: Without limitation, this include cases in which we are required to share personal data by law or binding order of courts, law enforcement authorities or regulators. Should we decide to disclose personal data in such context we will also consider ways of reducing the scope of the disclosure, for instance by redacting the information provided, to the extent permitted by law.

6. Why and for how long do we retain personal data?

RIPL is continuously improving this website to retain personal data no longer than necessary for the described purposes in this notice and/or as required or permitted under applicable laws, to the extent technically possible.

7. What privacy choices do you have?

We aim to maintain this website in a manner that protects information from accidental or malicious destruction. Because of this, after you delete information from this website we may not immediately delete residual copies from our active servers and may remove information from our backup systems only after certain timeframes in accordance with applicable laws (see point 6).

When you register onto this website , you can give your explicit consent whereby you agree that the data you provide (e.g. your name, phone number, email address) can be collected, processed and used by RIPL to share with you information about all new initiatives under the aegis of the Rajeshwari Infotel Pvt. Ltd

In the case you withdraw your consent to a processing activity, RIPL reserves the right to further process and use your personal data to the extent this is required or permitted by law e.g. to administrate your unsubion or set an over layer cookie to respect your cookie settings.

You are entitled to withdraw your consent at any time. You may exercise such rights by writing to us on the contact details provided in the ‘Contact us’ section below.

8. What else do we do to protect your personal data?

RIPL understands the importance of information and data security and we want your browsing experience on this website to be as safe as possible.

To protect your personal data, we have implemented reasonable and state of the art safeguards and precautions, including technical and organizational measures against unauthorized access, improper use, alteration, unlawful or accidental destruction and accidental loss, both in an online and offline context. RIPL personnel is trained and undertakes to protect personal data accessible when performing their functions.

You should only share online or through mobile apps personal information which you are comfortable sharing, acknowledging that no organization or its systems can ever be guaranteed 100% secure all the time.

9. Links to other websites

This website may contain links to other services, websites and apps of interest, once you have used these links you leave this website area. When you visit such other services, websites and apps you should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the app or website in question. RIPL cannot, and does not, assume any responsibility or liability for such other websites, the content of such services, websites and apps and their privacy practices, nor do we endorse them.

10. How are changes to this Privacy Notice communicated?

Our business changes constantly, which means that our Privacy Notice will be updated from time to time. Please check this Privacy Notice from time to time to ensure that you are comfortable with any changes we had to make.

We will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Notice without your explicit consent. We will post any Privacy Notice changes and, if the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice up to individual e-mail notification.

11. Contact us

Your feedback is always welcome. If you have any grievances, questions or concerns about our privacy practices or your online privacy please do not hesitate to contact us at